Friday, November 15, 2019

What Your Cat's Olfactory Organ Knows

There’s a lot to a greater extent than to your cat’s olfactory organ than y'all think. The importance of pheromones as well as scent for cats as well as kittens - as well as the implications for truthful cat owners.

 The importance of pheromones as well as scent for cats as well as kittens  What Your Cat's Nose Knows

By Zazie Todd, PhD

Do y'all ever pay much attending to that cute petty olfactory organ your cat has? We’re used to thinking of dogs equally beingness all virtually smells – but it turns out cats are real much into scent too. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 literature review yesteryear Kristyn Vitale Shreve as well as Monique Udell (Oregon State University) explains what nosotros know virtually the importance of olfaction as well as chemic detection to cats, from what it agency for indoor cats to the possibility of trained scent detection cats.

Vitale Shreve as well as Udell say,
“Importantly, a amend agreement of truthful cat chemic signals has critical applied implications, equally scent (and marking) plays an of import role inwards many species-typical truthful cat behaviors, employment behaviors, as well as tin also serve equally enrichment if properly understood as well as applied.” 

Ultimately, if truthful cat owners create got a amend agreement of the role of scent inwards their cat’s life, they tin improve their cat’s welfare.

How cats procedure chemic signals 

You in all probability already know cats create got 2 dissimilar systems that are of import organs of olfaction as well as chemic detection.

First of all, of course, there’s the nose: the 2 nostrils that allow scents inwards to the nasal cavity. Then there’s the vomeronasal organ (more easily called the VNO if y'all prefer). This is inwards the difficult palate inwards the roof of the mouth. When y'all consider a truthful cat amongst their oral fissure opened upwardly inwards a grimace, called the Flehmen response, they are utilising their VNO to brand sense of chemic signals.

Beyond that, nosotros don’t know equally much equally you’d think, showing the urgency of to a greater extent than query inwards this area. For example, nosotros know that a role of the encephalon called the caudate is used inwards processing smells, as well as inwards many species it is also activated inwards anticipation of rewards. In dogs, nosotros know that the caudate is activated inwards response to the aroma of a familiar human. We don’t withal know if this occurs inwards cats or not.

And spell nosotros know the vomeronasal organ has 3 types of detectors, solely i of them has ever been investigated.

The VNO detects what are known equally pheromones – chemic signals that acquit important for that as well as other cats. Cats unloose dissimilar types of pheromones from glands on their bodies, as well as spell the role of some is non known, nosotros know a lot to a greater extent than virtually others as well as synthetic versions of some are available (you’ve heard of Feliway).

 The importance of pheromones as well as scent for cats as well as kittens  What Your Cat's Nose Knows

Medical detection cats? 

Cats are able to tell the deviation betwixt many dissimilar scents. Vitale Shreve as well as Udell tell their size, agility, as well as powerfulness to check inwards modest spaces agency that cats may brand fantabulous scent detection animals. For people who are afraid of dogs, cats mightiness brand adept medical detection animals. Of course, to a greater extent than query is needed, non simply into a cat’s sense of aroma but also into the practicalities.

How cats utilization chemic signals 

Cats create got scent glands on the caput betwixt the eyes as well as ears, on the side of the forehead, inwards the cheeks, nether the chin, at the corners of the mouth, betwixt the pads on the paws, at the base of operations of the tail, inwards the ano-genital area, as well as around a woman somebody cat’s nipples. These glands create pheromones.

Pheromones are used inwards social communication. As lone animals, cats tin utilization scent to grade their territory thus other cats know to rest away, without them fifty-fifty needing to meet. When cats alive inwards groups, they tin hold a ‘group scent’ that agency familiar cats all aroma similar. When y'all consider cats rub against each other’s bodies, it is believed they are maintaining this grouping scent.

Pheromones are also used inwards sexual activity. When a tomcat rubs his caput close a sexually intact female, he leaves F2 pheromone.

In add-on to pheromones, cats deposit scent yesteryear scratching as well as amongst saliva, urine as well as faeces. 

Scratching leaves scent from glands inwards the cat’s paws, as well as over fourth dimension may create upwardly on the scratched object. It may move an “olfactory reference point” for the cat, as well as thus providing appropriate places for cats to scratch as well as move out their scent is important.

The importance of scent to kittens 

Kittens are born amongst their eyes as well as ears closed. They utilization the feeling of warmth, their sense of impact as well as chemic detection to expose their nest. The nest is amount of chemic signals – secretions from the woman bring upwardly cat’s glands grade the area, as well as hair, saliva as well as urine from the kittens all add together to the mix. This nest odour is thought to cut stress inwards the kittens, create got a calming influence as well as improve their well-being.

 The importance of pheromones as well as scent for cats as well as kittens  What Your Cat's Nose Knows
Photo: Rashid Valitov; top, Dziewul (both Shutterstock).

Did y'all know that inside a litter of kittens, yesteryear the fourth dimension they are i or 2 days onetime (and until virtually 32 days) each i has its ain preferred nipple on the mother? The scientific term is “teat constancy.” Pheromones are released from glands around the nipples. We don’t know if each nipple has its ain feature odour, or if saliva from the kitten adds its scent to the nipple.

As the kittens are able to motion around more, “teat constancy” subsides as well as kittens volition nurse from other woman somebody cats equally good equally their mother.

Scent inwards social relationships betwixt cats 

Olfaction plays an of import role inwards social relationships betwixt cats. The authors tell that inwards i study, sniffing accounted for almost a tertiary of the behaviours observed. Cats often sniff each other at the outset of social interactions.

Male as well as woman somebody cats answer differently to smells from other cats; the Flehmen response as well as urine spraying are to a greater extent than mutual inwards males, whereas woman somebody cats pay to a greater extent than attending to peel secretions than to urine. Chemical signals appear to play both a sexual as well as a social role.

Chemical signals are also used inwards mark territory as well as in that location are several theories virtually how this works. It may endure that mark is used to tell other cats to rest away, but an alternative thought is that it helps the truthful cat experience at habitation inside their ain territory. This is some other expanse where to a greater extent than query is needed.

What this agency to y'all equally a truthful cat owner 

Cat owners should recognize that chemic signals are of import to cats, fifty-fifty if nosotros are non ever able to expose them ourselves.

Some of these signals assist to brand cats experience condom as well as secure – which agency that if nosotros acquire rid of them amongst also much cleaning, it may brand our cats to a greater extent than anxious. The authors advise the utilization of cleaning products should endure express close the cat’s residual areas, scratching posts as well as litterboxes. If nosotros take their scent from these areas, they may select dissimilar areas for these activities instead, which nosotros may endure none also happy about.

You may notice that inwards places where your truthful cat rubs frequently, the slice of furniture or wall is marked as well as pigment may fifty-fifty endure rubbed off. Your truthful cat gains comfort from these areas smelling similar him- or her-self, thus if y'all tin concur off cleaning or re-painting equally long equally y'all can, your truthful cat would prefer it.

 The importance of pheromones as well as scent for cats as well as kittens  What Your Cat's Nose Knows
Photo: Kristi Blohkin (Shutterstock).

Adding the cat’s ain scent to novel slice of furniture or novel environments may assist it to experience calm as well as relaxed. This may endure particularly of import inwards rehoming centres, where the truthful cat is faced amongst a completely novel as well as stressful environment.

The thought of scent equally a reference signal inside the environs may endure particularly useful for people amongst blind cats.

Providing scents to cats tin endure an enrichment activity, particularly for indoor cats. Catnip is an obvious example, as well as spell many truthful cat owners are aware of this in that location are other substances such equally silvery vine that fewer people create got heard of. Sarah Ellis has a lovely thought inwards her book, The Trainable Cat The importance of pheromones as well as scent for cats as well as kittens  What Your Cat's Nose Knows (co-authored amongst John Bradshaw) of a sensory box – bringing things from the exterior inwards for the truthful cat to experience. Remember also that cats tin acquire used to things, thus rotating scents or bringing inwards novel scents is a adept idea.

Cats tin endure trained to proceed leash walks to laissez passer them access to the outdoors. Alternately, condom enclosed ‘catios’ tin laissez passer them outdoor spaces if it is non possible for them to create got regular outdoor access. Simply leaving a window safely ajar tin allow them sniff the breeze.

Scratching is of import to cats, as well as thus they demand to endure provided amongst suitable scratching posts. When such posts are available, cats volition utilization them – as well as y'all tin reinforce this behaviour yesteryear rewarding them (e.g. amongst a truthful cat treat) for scratching them.

If your truthful cat is non using the litter box appropriately (peeing exterior the box, urine spraying, pooping inwards the incorrect place), as well as thus inwards add-on to taking your truthful cat to the vet to banking concern check for a medical problem, also consider that stress mightiness endure playing a role. Make certain y'all create got plenty litter boxes, that they are big plenty as well as located inwards placidity areas, as well as accept steps to cut stress inwards all aspects of your cat’s life. Vitale Shreve as well as Udell banker's complaint the unfortunate possibility that if litter box issues are a number of anxiety, the scent from them may brand the truthful cat experience to a greater extent than comfortable, as well as completely getting rid of that scent may sweat to a greater extent than anxiety… Since humans are non probable to tolerate this scent, it emphasizes the importance of reducing stress inwards all other areas.

It’s worth thinking virtually where a cat’s scent glands are when stroking your truthful cat too. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 written report yesteryear Sarah Ellis et al (2014) found cats prefer to endure stroked around the head inwards the areas where the scent glands are, as well as suggests it may endure a flake similar allo-rubbing.

Of course, ever laissez passer cats a alternative of whether or non to interact amongst y'all or amongst item scents.


It turns out that scent as well as chemic communication matters a lot to cats, as well as that cats tin differentiate betwixt many dissimilar smells. While nosotros demand to a greater extent than query on dissimilar aspects of how cats create as well as utilise chemic signals, nosotros tin utilization what nosotros already know to assist brand cats experience to a greater extent than comfortable as well as secure, as well as fifty-fifty utilization scent equally enrichment.

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Further reading

Zazie Todd, PhD, is the writer of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy The importance of pheromones as well as scent for cats as well as kittens  What Your Cat's Nose Knows. She is the founder of the pop spider web log , where she writes virtually everything from preparation methods to the human-canine relationship. She also writes a column for Psychology Today as well as has received the prestigious Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Article inwards 2017. Todd lives inwards Maple Ridge, BC, amongst her husband, i dog, as well as 2 cats.

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Shreve, K. R. V., & Udell, M. A. (2017). Stress, security, as well as scent: The influence of chemic signals on the social lives of domestic cats as well as implications for applied settings. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 187, 69-76.

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