Friday, November 15, 2019

Resources At

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation research, at that spot are lots of resources for domestic dog too truthful cat people hither at .

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at
Cardboard boxes are a useful resources for cats; resources for truthful cat too domestic dog people inwards this post. Photo: isumi1 (Shutterstock)

By Zazie Todd, PhD

In the 5 too a one-half years that I’ve been writing , I’ve built upwards a sizeable dorsum catalogue of spider web log posts close scientific discipline too our pets. I’ve also made a issue of resources for readers who desire to know more. Since at that spot are many novel readers lately, I idea I’d brand a listing too therefore you lot tin flame detect everything.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at

Dog Training Research Resources

The scientific discipline of domestic dog preparation is a source of fascination for many domestic dog trainers, too it makes an of import contribution to beast welfare too. Research inwards this champaign looks at topics such equally the methods ordinary people purpose to develop their dogs (and how obedient they intend their domestic dog is equally a result), the potential effects of unlike domestic dog preparation methods on fear, anxiety, stress too aggression inwards dogs, equally good equally fascinating topics such equally how dogs response to praise, petting too food.

This page lists scientific studies on domestic dog preparation along with links to the papers. And because many scientific articles are behind a paywall, I’ve also listed blogs where you lot tin flame read close those articles – non but on this blog, but also posts past times the likes of Dr. Patricia McConnell, Julie Hecht, Dr. Sophia Yin too Dr. Stanley Coren.

The science of domestic dog training page is 1 of the most pop resources on this website too I update it regularly. Hopefully you lot volition detect it useful.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at

H5N1 cat preparation query resources page is a novel travel inwards progress.

Less Stress at the Vet

I’ve published many spider web log posts close studies that demo dogs too cats detect vet visits real stressful. So I seat together a listing of useful resources to aid cats too dogs have got less stress at the vet.

From full general advice on going to the vet, to preparation plans to aid your domestic dog or truthful cat have got medication or restraint, you’ll detect lots of useful links hither to posts too videos past times Dr. Andy Roark, Dr. Sarah Ellis, Laura Monaco Torelli, Chirag Patel, Pam Johnson-Bennett, Dr. Mikel Delgado, Dr. Jeannine Berger, International Cat Care, Kathy Sdao MA, the Muzzle Up! Project, Fear Free, too many more.

This is a post to bookmark too come upwards dorsum to, but retrieve it’s never also early on to start preparation your pet to similar trips to the vet.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at
Photo: flywish (Shutterstock)

Animal Book Club

The Book Club is coming upwards to its kickoff anniversary. The monastic say reads 1 mass a calendar month (except for Jan too July, when nosotros direct a break). Although the Facebook grouping is full, anyone tin flame read amongst us each month.

My ain personal highlights from the books too therefore far are The Trainable CatFrom the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at past times John Bradshaw too Sarah Ellis, Being a DogFrom the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at past times Alexandra Horowitz, too How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog)From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at past times Lee Dugatkin too Lyudmila Trut. But I’ve enjoyed every mass we’ve read too therefore far too each 1 brings something unique to our agreement of companion animals too our human relationship with them.

The championship of each month’s mass is published inwards a spider web log post on the kickoff Dominicus of every month.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at

Pet People to Follow

There are many bright scientists, bloggers, domestic dog trainers, beast behaviourists, veterinarians, organizations too full general pet people who non exclusively arrive at great content themselves on their blogs but also part great content on their twitter too Facebook feeds.

So dorsum inwards Jan I seat together a listing of the Pet People to Follow inwards 2017 consummate with their social media handles. You volition detect lots of interesting novel people to follow on this listing – too delight add together your ain suggestions inwards the comments on that post.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at

Update: You tin flame find the 2018 listing here.

Pet Blogs to Follow

My pet blogs to follow list is dedicated specifically to bloggers who write thoughtful, scientific, modern posts on dogs, cats or the human-animal bond. It updates every fourth dimension someone publishes a novel post, too therefore you lot volition ever detect something novel to read.

From fourth dimension to fourth dimension novel blogs are added or a spider web log volition autumn off the listing due to technical problems or non posting inwards a while.

The proviso is that it volition exclusively travel on desktop (it does non travel on mobile at this time).

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at
Photo: Renata Apanaviciene (Shutterstock)

The Train for Rewards Blog Party

Many studies indicate to risks to beast welfare when people purpose aversives to develop dogs (see a summary of a literature review or the dog preparation query resources page for more). So I started the Train for Rewards spider web log political party inwards 2016 to celebrate what nosotros tin flame practice with reward-based preparation too encourage to a greater extent than people to give it a try. I was delighted too therefore many bloggers decided to join!

You tin flame read the 2016 Train for Rewards posts hither (along with a summary of the highlights).

The 2017 Train for Rewards spider web log posts are here (along with a summary).

The Train for Rewards spider web log political party takes house on 16th June. If you lot are a blogger too would similar to direct part, await out for the invitation inwards like shooting fish in a barrel May.


I have got started a monthly newsletter which keeps you lot posted on what is happening hither at , along with links to some of my favourite spider web log posts, articles, podcasts too photos of the final month, too upcoming events that mightiness live on of involvement to readers.

The newsletter is typically published on the 3rd Dominicus of every month. You tin flame read the August newsletter here which includes a brace of photos of dog-friendly pub signs from my recent trip to England.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at
Photo: Africa  Studio (Shutterstock)

Research Resources for Animal Shelters too Rescues

Animal shelters too rescues human face upwards many challenges inwards trying to growth adoptions, render skillful welfare for animals, too trim down surrenders too euthanasia rates. This page lists all the posts where I have got written close studies that are direct pertinent to beast shelters.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at

All About Dogs too All About Cats

Here at , I write generally close dogs too cats, but also from fourth dimension to fourth dimension close other animals such equally rabbits or fish.

Now that there’s a lot of material, I made a brace of summary pages where you lot tin flame detect links to some of my most pop posts close dogs too cats. So you lot tin flame brand a loving cup of tea or java too sit down downward to read all close dogs or all close cats.

Essential guides for truthful cat people too domestic dog people are highlighted at the overstep of each page. This is where you lot volition detect links to articles on how to pick out a domestic dog trainer, my ultimate domestic dog preparation tip, how to render environmental enrichment for your cat, too the secrets of your cat's nose.

If you lot know a novel domestic dog or truthful cat owner, they’ll detect enough of useful information there.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at
Photo: Dora Zett (Shutterstock)

Guest Posts at

I exclusively latterly started to have got invitee contributions, too I’ve been lucky to issue some keen invitee posts from Kristi Benson, Gina Bishopp, Jane Gething-Lewis, too James Oxley too Clare Ellis.

You tin flame detect links to all invitee posts here.

If you’re thinking of submitting a invitee post, delight pay careful attending to these guidelines.

Interviews with Scientists too Authors

I’ve been real lucky to acquit some interviews with some amazing scientists too authors close their query or books. You tin flame encounter a full listing of interviews here. Again, you'll detect enough to enjoy.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at

And Finally, the T-shirt…

If you lot similar what I practice hither at , mayhap you lot would similar to back upwards my favourite shelter past times buying the t-shirt? The gorgeous ‘cat loves dog’ blueprint is past times Lili Chin too features my domestic dog too 1 of my cats greeting each other.

The blueprint is available on t-shirts inwards diverse colours, a hoodie, sweatshirt, too pillow.

100% of the proceeds become to the BC SPCA Maple Ridge.

Follow too Subscribe to

As always, you lot tin flame follow me on twitter, Facebook or pinterest, too you lot tin flame subscribe to to brand certain you lot never fille a post.

For the fourth dimension being, at that spot is a search box inwards the sidebar that you lot tin flame purpose to detect posts on item topics. When Google brings inwards the side past times side Chrome updates, I volition have got to take away the search box equally it is non https. That was partly the impetus for making a post that lists where to detect useful pet resources on this blog.

I’m ever opened upwards to suggestions for spider web log posts, too therefore if you lot have got item topics you’d similar to encounter covered you lot tin flame e-mail me on companimalpsych at gmail point com.

From the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at

Zazie Todd, PhD, is the writer of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog HappyFrom the people too blogs to follow to domestic dog preparation query Resources at . She is the founder of the pop spider web log , where she writes close everything from preparation methods to the human-canine relationship. She also writes a column for Psychology Today too has received the prestigious Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Article inwards 2017. Todd lives inwards Maple Ridge, BC, with her husband, 1 dog, too 2 cats.

Useful links:
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