Monday, June 1, 2015

Siberian Husky, The Beautiful Dog

the beauty of dog
Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky (Russian: Сибирский хаски, Sibirskiy Haski) is included in the medium-sized breeds and woolly. Purebred dog is not vicious, even too good and spoiled to humans. This race briefly looked like wolves, may also be expected to occur as a result of natural crosses.

This race is actually developed by the Chukchi people in the northeast Asian region as a dog pull cart to carry lighter loads. In 1909, the first time a number of these dogs were brought to Alaska to compete in the long distance throughout Alaska. And that's where endurance and speed dog run from Siberia is becoming known.

Siberian Husky has a pleasant nature. He is very affectionate and even tend spoiled. Gentle and friendly disposition may occur as a legacy of the past, since the Chukchi people maintain these dogs in a big reward. They are laying off these dogs in the family protection and encourage their children to play with him. Nowadays, very fascinating to observe how the Siberian Husky and the children belonged to each other. Siberians are very wary, likes fun and easy to adjust. The level of intelligence has been proven, but the soul every time challenging the independence of human ingenuity. Usually all-round ability makes him a matching companion for humans of all ages in a variety of preferences.

1. Siberian Husky howling rather than barking because often there is still a wolf blood in them.

2. Siberian Husky tends to voters in terms of food, easily bored at the food was always the same. so make it a habit to change the type of food.

3. Siberian Husky fur replace at least once a year. sometimes accompanied by the collapse of the fur is a bit much, but do not worry

4. Siberian Husky that entered Indonesia already experiencing climate adjustment, so it can survive with a tropical or subtropical climate

5. Siberian Husky are very pleased to run, because of the area of ​​origin of this dog is a dog runner and used to pull the sleigh.

6. Siberian Husky dog ​​sometimes ornery and not obedient when there is something interesting than 'calling you'.

7. Siberian Husky began to be known in my country widely Indonesia in early 2000.

8. Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute although at first glance similar, but different, the difference alaskan Malamute larger, more bushy fur and tail circular motif also marking his face a little bit different.


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