Friday, November 15, 2019

What Sort Of Scratching Post Produce Cats Prefer?

It’s of import to supply cats amongst the correct sort of scratching post – in addition to vantage them for using it.

s of import to supply cats amongst the correct sort of scratching post  What sort of scratching post produce cats prefer?

By Zazie Todd, PhD

Inappropriate scratching is a fairly mutual electrical load most cats. That’s inappropriate from the owner’s perspective, because from the cat’s indicate of sentiment they are only doing what comes naturally. Luckily interrogation tin hand the axe tell us what the best scratching post is from a cat's perspective.

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Why produce cats scratch?

Cats scratch inward monastic nation to grade their territory. It leaves a visual signal to other cats, as good as scent from glands inward their paws. Scratching may also assist them expect later their claws, since it tin hand the axe take sometime hook sheaths. Cats stretch out their claws in addition to forepart legs when they scratch.

Cats similar to scratch repeatedly inward the same place, in addition to if the identify they select is your furniture, that’s non in addition to then skillful for the furniture.

What sort of scratching post produce cats like?

Research yesteryear Colleen Wilson DVM et al tells us what sort of scratching post to supply inward monastic nation to continue both truthful cat in addition to possessor happy.

Earlier interrogation industrial plant life that cats volition utilisation scratching posts if they are provided but did non expect at the type of posts cats prefer. The novel study suggests that both the types of scratching post in addition to the utilisation of positive reinforcement are of import ways to foreclose cats from scratching your furniture.

The scientists conclude,
“The ideal scratching post to recommend to a truthful cat possessor to assist foreclose inappropriate scratching is ane that includes rope as a substrate, is upright vertical, 3 ft or higher, has ii or to a greater extent than levels in addition to a base of operations width of betwixt 1 in addition to 3 ft.” 
The mesh survey of 4105 truthful cat owners asked people most the sort of scratching posts they provide, which ane their truthful cat prefers, in addition to whether or non their truthful cat scratches inappropriately.

The most usually provided posts were non the same as the sort of posts that were linked to lower levels of inappropriate scratching, suggesting many owners are non providing the correct sort of post for their cat.

83% of people provided to a greater extent than than ane scratching post, in addition to 89% said their cats used a scratching post at to the lowest degree ane time a day. Indoor cats were to a greater extent than probable to utilisation a scratching post – but no to a greater extent than probable than cats allowed outdoors to scratch inappropriately.

61% of owners provided a rug scratching post, 58% provided rope (sisal), 42% cardboard, 15% wood, in addition to 4% other (the numbers produce non add together upwards to 100% because many people provided to a greater extent than than ane type of post).

Owners said their cats preferred to utilisation a rope scratching post. There was an historic catamenia deviation amongst older cats (10 years or more) beingness reported as preferring carpet.

Cats were as reported to similar a uncomplicated vertical post in addition to a truthful cat tree amongst ii or to a greater extent than levels. Again at that topographic point was an historic catamenia difference, amongst cats nine years or younger said to prefer a truthful cat tree amongst ii or to a greater extent than levels, followed yesteryear a vertical post; piece cats 10 years or older were said to prefer a vertical post more. This may reverberate historic catamenia differences inward agility or health.

Just over one-half of the owners (52%) said their cats scratched inappropriately. Many of these people said a scratching post was provided closed to (within 5 human foot of) the inappropriate scratching place.

s of import to supply cats amongst the correct sort of scratching post  What sort of scratching post produce cats prefer?

How to halt cats from scratching inappropriately

The results instruct interesting when comparison the posts provided inward homes where cats did non scratch inappropriately compared to the homes where they did. Those people who provided a rope scratching post were the to the lowest degree probable to accept a work amongst scratching. As well, truthful cat trees amongst ane or to a greater extent than levels were associated amongst depression levels of work scratching. Since cats similar high upwards spaces, this is also a skillful means to provide enrichment for your cat.

Cats were also less probable to scratch inappropriately if they had a tall post that was to a greater extent than than 3 human foot high. This is useful to know because many posts for sale inward pet stores are shorter than this in addition to produce non allow the truthful cat to fully stretch out.

I similar the Forte scratching post because it is 41" tall. This sisal scratching mat is a skillful choice for cats that similar something horizontal to scratch on, in addition to comes inward 3 sizes. There are truthful cat trees amongst multiple levels for every cat, budget, in addition to style, ranging from a basic truthful cat tree to to a greater extent than modern truthful cat trees like this ane from Refined Feline amongst washable covers or this ane amongst a cave.

Scratching posts that hang from or are affixed to the wall were associated amongst high levels of inappropriate scratching, suggesting that many cats produce non similar this sort of post.

Cats should accept to a greater extent than than ane scratching post, to hand them a choice. If y'all accept multiple cats, they each demand to accept access to scratching posts, as having multiple in addition to separated resources is ane of the five pillars of a salubrious surround for cats.

Don't tell your truthful cat off for scratching

Most people who saw their truthful cat scratching inappropriately either told it off, removed it or redirected it, but none of these strategies had whatsoever number on scratching behaviour.

However, if people rewarded their truthful cat for using the scratching post, they were significantly less probable to accept a work amongst inappropriate scratching. For the purposes of this study, rewards included food/treats, petting, in addition to praise.

"many owners are non providing the correct sort of post for their cat."

These results propose that if your truthful cat is scratching inappropriately, y'all should produce ii things. First of all, ameliorate the scratching posts available to them. Although cats may accept private preferences, it seems similar a skillful thought to accept a tall rope (sisal) scratching post as good as a truthful cat tree amongst unlike levels on it. Many cats also similar a horizontal surface to scratch on, in addition to many cheap cardboard ones are available. Secondly, when your truthful cat scratches the post, hand them a vantage such as a truthful cat care for or some moisture food.

Julie Hecht describes using only this approach interview amongst doc Sarah Ellis on The Trainable Cat.

This is an peculiarly helpful study because in addition to then many people took part. It would live on really interesting to run across it followed upwards amongst experimental locomote that provided novel scratching posts to cats.

The work amongst declawing cats

Sadly, a number of people who took role inward the study could non live on included inward the analysis because their truthful cat was declawed. Onychectomy (as declawing is technically called) is illegal inward many countries. It is a painful, irreversible physical care for that may exit cats amongst phantom hurting that inward plough may drive behaviour problems. Please produce non declaw your cat; if y'all are having problems, attempt out a qualified feline behaviour consultant.

In many locations (including BC, where this weblog is based), declawing is no longer legal because of the impairment it tin hand the axe drive to cats.

Summary: The best scratching post in addition to the importance of rewards

Scratching is a natural behaviour for cats in addition to they demand a ‘safe’ outlet for it. This study is really useful because it tells us what sort of scratching posts nosotros should supply – in addition to that nosotros should vantage our cats for using them.

What type(s) of scratching posts does your truthful cat have?

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Zazie Todd, PhD, is the writer of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happys of import to supply cats amongst the correct sort of scratching post  What sort of scratching post produce cats prefer?. She is the founder of the pop weblog , where she writes most everything from preparation methods to the human-canine relationship. She also writes a column for Psychology Today in addition to has received the prestigious Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Article inward 2017. Todd lives inward Maple Ridge, BC, amongst her husband, ane dog, in addition to ii cats.

Useful links:

Wilson C, Bain M, DePorter T, Beck A, Grassi V, & Landsberg G (2016). Owner observations regarding truthful cat scratching behavior: an internet-based survey. Journal of feline medicine in addition to surgery, 18 (10), 791-7 PMID: 26179574
Photos: Africa Studio (top) in addition to Stefano Garau (both

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