Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ways To Train Dogs Who Fear Driving

If your dog fears related to experience nausea and vomiting when riding in a car, there are easy ways to cope, which can take medication to relieve nausea. For the choice of drug and dosage can consult with your veterinarian.
If fear your dog is more than just feeling nauseous, then you have to give more time and effort to eliminate the phobia. The steps below can help you to overcome your fear of dogs:
train dog who fear driving
Dog and car

1. Start with coax the dog to come closer to the car rather than forcing it.

Most dogs who are afraid of driving when he saw the car ran away. Instead of dragging your dog in the car, it would be better if you persuade him slowly with food and praise. To phobia with mild level, you may be able to train the dog into the car easily with just a short exercise. for more severe phobias, might require several days or weeks to bring the dog into the car.

2. Continue to use positive reinforcement to bring him in.

When the dog has to feel comfortable approaching the car, you can begin to persuade him to enter. Start by opening the car doors so that the dog does not feel that he would be trapped after entering into it. Use food and praise to persuade him to enter. It would be better if there are two people who liked the dog work as a team. One person holds the dog with a rope on one side of the car, while one other person sitting across the car seat from the other side and use a food and a pleasant tone of voice to encourage the dog into the car.

3. Give a little time to create a special bond between you and your dog while in the car.

Do not rush immediately slammed the door and started the engine of your car so the dog got into the car. Instead, leave the car door open and spend a short time to be with your dog in the car. then slowly, sat down with the dog with the door closed. Again, depending on the level of fear of your dog, this process can last for several days to several weeks or more.

4. Turn on your car engine.

When the dog is comfortable enough with you in the car, then you can begin to turn on the ignition. As soon as the ignition is turned on, given little food and talk to him using a pleasant tone of voice and then turn off the car engine. Repeat this several times until your dog really been comfortable sitting in the car with the engine on.

5. Start with a small trip.

Do not make the first trip of your dog with a long journey. The first time, you may have to drive a short distance away from the block or not your house, give a little food during the journey. Gradually, do the longer distances than before.

6. Bring your dog to a happy place.

The first trip of your dog should not be headed to the vet. Instead, take the dog to some place fun like a playground for dogs, beach or drive-thru for a hamburger. Your dog will then associate the unpleasant experience into every car trip next.

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