Thursday, June 4, 2015

Samoyed Dog Pole

Samoyed dog is native of the north pole, the dog is one of the most expensive dog in the world. The place of origin he often utilized as a carriage puller, as well as in the atmosphere of Christmas, you will recall dog sleigh puller santa Claus. Although the original Samoyed North Pole, but can be used as a pet in the tropics.
the highest price dog

Nomadik Samoyed tribe in the Northeast Asian region who first developed and named Samoyed. Tribal animal lover white dog treats like family members. Samoyed dog became compassionate.

In place of origin, this dog is usually used as a shepherd herds of deer, as well as sleigh puller. In the 19th century, Samoyed help transport on a scientific expedition in the Arctic and Antarctic. Most of them were taken to Europe and America. Samoyed bred veteran expedition. His descendants spread throughout the world,

Samoyed dog breeds including Medium. Samoyed still allied denagn Siberian Husky, both from Siberia. The north pole, Sammy, so another name Samoyed, have two types: America and Europe.

American type, characterized by the more pointed snout. While the European type bermoncong somewhat larger.
He has a strong character, endurance stubborn and tenacious in implementing the tasks. His figure is understated, soft and sweet-tempered, and friendly and easy to interact with humans. As the dog home, he was quite friendly, including denagn children. Suitable as a family dog. Understandably, Samoyed is not grim, tempered patient and friendly.

Feature Samoyed Dog

Molncongnya long, erect ears, nose and black eye periphery, in contrast with warrants hair white as cotton. Hair color super white became one of the attractions.
Samoyed beroto strong, posturbya balanced, harmonious with the form badanbibirnya legs thin, active and smart and obedient. No wonder when they jiga kind used in circus performances. Also known hundreds of styles ekspersi'senyum ". It is often dubbed as the "Samoyed smile".


In order to still look cute, must be treated with care. Use whitening shampoo every time a shower, bath not too frequent enough 2 weeks. Out of the shower, the hair should be completely dry. If it does not dry, the skin easy to get sick.

Compulsory hair combed and brushed at least two times a week, hair should bersih.malas caring, hair can clot and harden. Such hair must be clipped, once a week, should be wiped Samoyed hair once a week with a baby tissue. Tissues can also memmutihkan hair. While the nails cut short. Teeth and ears need regular maintenance.

Despite coming from the snowy, Samoyed also be maintained tropical region. No need to use air conditioning. Gradually, he was able to adapt to warmer temperatures. Samoyed from cold areas should not be directly maintained without air conditioning.

To survive in a hot area, Samoyed need a lot of drinking. Therefore drinking water should always be available. Because the hot air will quickly drain the water reserves in the body, when to water shortages or "heat shock", could be fatal. "It could succumb to heat stroke.

In hot areas, can still thick hair, give corn oil regularly, can also fish oil. The important thing contains omega 3 and 6. How to use, kalu liquid form, directly to the feed mix, the capsule should dicekokan, vitamin E is also good for the skin and hair.

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