Sunday, June 14, 2015

Vaccination Of Your Pet Dog

Have pets such as cats and dogs are still not complete if you do not provide the maximum care. Many dogs and cats are abandoned in the left by the dog's owner due to circumstances that disease. Therefore before a bad situation happens the better we prevent it by giving vaccinations.

Vaccination is a preventive measure against diseases located on pets, especially dogs. According to the author's experience, measures the relative vaccination is effective in reducing the incidence of contracting disease in dogs. However, this needs to be supported by the right way and good maintenance.
vaccination dog

Basically all breeds of dogs require vaccinations, including dogs mulatto or mixed. The presumption that does not require a crossbreed dog vaksinasisebenarnya less precise, because diseases can attack strategic remain all breeds of dogs without exception. Some diseases that cause fatal to our beloved dog.

At the age of 2 months the dog can start vaccination. Vaccination can only be given to dogs in a healthy condition. There are several stages of vaccination in dogs before they can receive a full vaccination is repeated annually.

After vaccination, the antibody titer will be reached maximum after 14 days. Therefore a new dog vaccination should really be considered maintenance.

Things to do related to vaccination, among others:

1. The newly purchased dog should not be directly vaccinated, but adapted first home during the first week.

2. After vaccination, dogs should not be directly transferred to the new environment or driven a long distance.

3. Dogs should not be bathed after vaccination. For puppies before complete vaccination should not be bathed beforehand. For a while you can use a dry shampoo sold in pet shops.

4. As far as possible contact with a dog that has not been clearly preventable health status after vaccination, especially two weeks after vaccination.

5. Dogs should be placed in an environment protected from the cold / rainy.

In dogs there are six diseases that can be prevented by vaccination, namely: Parvo Virus, Leptospirosis, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Kennel Cough and Rabies. Two of the disease that is Leptospirosis and Rabies is a zoonotic / infect humans. Puppy can receive vaccinations against these diseases gradually in accordance with the general development.

By providing a good vaccination program according to the possibilities of our pet animals infected by the disease will be reduced. Coupled with proper maintenance, the health of these animals will be more secure again during his lifetime.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hachiko, The Meaning Of Devotion And Loyalty

Hachiko is the name of a dog outstanding loyalty. Although this is a long story and a real happening in Japan, but it could be a reflection and inspiration for all those who will begin fading of fidelity together.
the story of hachiko
hachiko statue in memory
Allegiance Dog HACHIKO so legendary that lifted widescreen and gained the attention of the audience with the story of this blue emotion. At first I did not accidentally see the movie Hachiko (Hollywood version) and completes the watch, it is a charming story.
This story is based on a true story about a dog named Hachiko. Hachiko story itself is quite long. He was born in 1923 in a called Akita prefecture. Then a professor named Hidesaburo Ueno who was then aged 53 years to maintain it. Ueno family home adjacent to this is the story of Hachiko, Shibuya Station starts.
Hachi begins to grow larger when already become a habit when Professor Ueno went to work, Hachi always took his master's departure to the front door of Shibuya Station. In the evening when the hours after work, Hachi again come to the station to pick up and waited for Professor Ueno. This happens over and over again every day.

On May 21, 1925, after attending a meeting on campus, Professor Ueno died suddenly. But Hachi still do not understand that Professor Ueno had died. Every day, around the clock return of Professor Ueno, Hachi seen sitting waiting for the return of his master's at the front door of Shibuya Station. Her body began to be thin and not neglected. Some relatives of Professor Ueno several times to pick up and take it, but Hachi always come back to Shibuya station waiting for its master.
In 1932, the story of Hachi waited employer in the station invite the attention Hirokichi Saito from Japan Dog Preservation Association. Concerned over the harsh treatment that is often experienced Hachi at the station, Saito wrote a sad story of Hachi. The article he sent to the Tokyo newspaper Asahi Shimbun, and loaded with the title Itoshiya roken monogatari ("Old Dogs Loving Story"). Japanese public finally learned about loyalty Hachi who continue to wait for the return of the employer. After Hachi became famous, station clerks, merchants, and people around the Shibuya station began to love her. Since then, the suffix "ko" ("dear") is added behind the name Hachi, and people called "Hachiko".
Around 1933, an acquaintance Saito, a sculptor named Teru Ando touched by the story of Hachiko. He wanted to make a sculpture for Hachiko. Bronze statue of Hachiko was completed and inaugurated in 1934, is placed in front of Shibuya Station
For 9 years, every day at Shibuya station Hachiko appear at 3 pm, the time when he used to wait for the return of his master. But those days it was when he was upset because his master did not come. Until one morning of March 8, 1935, Hachiko, 13 years old, was found dead in the street near Inari Bridge, Shibuya River. The place was on the other side of Shibuya Station where Hachiko normally never go there. Hachiko was dead. His loyalty to his master was brought to death.

Residents who heard Hachiko's death immediately flock to Shibuya station. They are generally already know the story about the dog's loyalty. They want respect for the last time. Hachiko attended a farewell ceremony with the crowd in Shibuya Station, including the widow of the late Professor Ueno, close relatives, and local residents. Monks from Myoyu-ji invited to recite sutras. Hachiko funeral service takes place like a human funeral. Hachiko was buried next to the tomb of Professor Ueno at Aoyama Cemetery. The outside of the body of Hachiko at the offset, and up to now exhibited at the Museum of Nature and Science Tokyo.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Difficulty Eating Dog, So How To Cope

If we keep dogs, then we are ready to decide responsible for health, because the dog is part of our families, of which each movement geriknya concern to us as a family.

how to make your dog get fast growth

For pet owners who love pet has, how bewildered when he saw the dog is increasingly difficult to eat. Various attempts were made to restore their appetite to normal, but it is difficult for strived.
And following these tips to cope with difficult dogs eat.

1. Look condition of the dog is sick or not
if the dog sick with symptoms of lethargy or other better than usual immediately taken to the veterinarian. can be seen from the color if the color is bright pink tongue is generally healthy if ato pale red color means no pain, and see if the total dry nose means pain if that pain is too wet too nice little wet, can be seen also from his eyes glow bright if yah healthy. and the last of poopnya, should normally not be dry and diarrhea.

2. The dog looked healthy but if the invite road would not want it generally no symptoms of illness or need suspected worms so the need to remember the last time to give worming if the puppy is generally two weeks if already adult 1-3 months. give worming
3. If it sure does not hurt and worms. Try brought jalan2 and jogged not until sprints as if sprinting dog just burn fewer calories and was already tired. So the goal is to burn calories because if the calories automatically dibadannya already exhausted the dog will feel hungry and will eat just about anything that is provided does not care that the dog likes DF / RF or not, as long as it's still a good dog food.

4. Fasting your dog in order to better appreciate the food. How to give about 15 minutes - 30 minutes for the dogs spend their food. If not touched immediately grab the food and keep the place nice to be served at the next meal schedule. If it has been many times they do not want to eat, give the dog a vitamin that helps the growth and health of the maximum, giving the supplement also useful to help improve your dog's appetite.

5. When the dog successfully given vitamins, try to give the best dog food that she likes as a reward finish his food. This positive encouragement stimulates doggie to spend makanannya.Dan for the right dog food for dogs who do not want to eat can be given food "Just right" .karna dog food has a distinct flavor aroma.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Best Guard Dogs

Guard dog ready to face anything in the world if it needs to happen, if the stake is seen as his own home and family he loved and felt bound to protect.
Among the most well known guard dogs, there is a name German Shepherd, Mastiff and Doberman. Guard dogs are usually more in priority in large sizes. If properly trained and cared for, they may offer a sense of security to every house and also a good friend to children.

Here is the guard dog breeds most reliable in the world.

Caucasian Shepherd

the best guard dog
caucasian shepherd
Caucasian shepherd is very popular in Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan and Russia. With a weight of 46-82 kg and height of almost 88 centimeters, the size is impressive because you need a lot of space to accommodate them but the good part is that this kind of living well in any climate. This is the type of alert dog always ready to protect its territory and very aggressive about it. Therefore obliged to teach it to socialize to dampen aggression.

Argentinian Mastiff

guardian dog
argentinian mastiff
Argentinian Mastiff has a beautiful short hair white. It is a fierce territorial dog. Height reaches 62 cm in height and it is used to catch criminals danburonan. Like most other guard dogs need training typical for meredamagresinya. Do not tolerate other dogs around and it can be very dangerous jikadiprovokasi.


best guardian dog in the world
Bullmastiff is a dog that is very dangerous, sturdy alert dog is considered as one of the best keepers in the world. In the 19th century it was used to keep criminals away. Has a height of 63-69 cm and weighing between 50 and 59 kilograms. These dogs are very well follow instinct and can easily identify which friends and where enemies.

German Shepherd

the best guard dog in the world
german shepherd
German Shepherd weighs between 22-40 kg and a height of 60 centimeters. This is a family guard dog fearless, responsible, adult behaves when there are children around. Intelligence and ability to learn which makes it a perfect guard dogs for families with children.


the best guard dog in the world
Doberman is a dog that is highly intelligent, faithful and vigilant. Although known as a dog with aggressive behavior, it is very easy to control. If trained Doberman can stop an intruder without hurting. With a weight of 34-45 kilogramitu, these dogs are very strong and agile.

there is still some kind of a good guard dog, and I will review in the next record. Thank you for your visit.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ways To Train Dogs Who Fear Driving

If your dog fears related to experience nausea and vomiting when riding in a car, there are easy ways to cope, which can take medication to relieve nausea. For the choice of drug and dosage can consult with your veterinarian.
If fear your dog is more than just feeling nauseous, then you have to give more time and effort to eliminate the phobia. The steps below can help you to overcome your fear of dogs:
train dog who fear driving
Dog and car

1. Start with coax the dog to come closer to the car rather than forcing it.

Most dogs who are afraid of driving when he saw the car ran away. Instead of dragging your dog in the car, it would be better if you persuade him slowly with food and praise. To phobia with mild level, you may be able to train the dog into the car easily with just a short exercise. for more severe phobias, might require several days or weeks to bring the dog into the car.

2. Continue to use positive reinforcement to bring him in.

When the dog has to feel comfortable approaching the car, you can begin to persuade him to enter. Start by opening the car doors so that the dog does not feel that he would be trapped after entering into it. Use food and praise to persuade him to enter. It would be better if there are two people who liked the dog work as a team. One person holds the dog with a rope on one side of the car, while one other person sitting across the car seat from the other side and use a food and a pleasant tone of voice to encourage the dog into the car.

3. Give a little time to create a special bond between you and your dog while in the car.

Do not rush immediately slammed the door and started the engine of your car so the dog got into the car. Instead, leave the car door open and spend a short time to be with your dog in the car. then slowly, sat down with the dog with the door closed. Again, depending on the level of fear of your dog, this process can last for several days to several weeks or more.

4. Turn on your car engine.

When the dog is comfortable enough with you in the car, then you can begin to turn on the ignition. As soon as the ignition is turned on, given little food and talk to him using a pleasant tone of voice and then turn off the car engine. Repeat this several times until your dog really been comfortable sitting in the car with the engine on.

5. Start with a small trip.

Do not make the first trip of your dog with a long journey. The first time, you may have to drive a short distance away from the block or not your house, give a little food during the journey. Gradually, do the longer distances than before.

6. Bring your dog to a happy place.

The first trip of your dog should not be headed to the vet. Instead, take the dog to some place fun like a playground for dogs, beach or drive-thru for a hamburger. Your dog will then associate the unpleasant experience into every car trip next.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Dog Food Recipes

As other carnivorous animals, pet dog also has similar characteristics with others. Binarang carnivore is an animal that consumes the food almost as a whole is in the form of meat or foods that contain animal protein, such as chicken, beef, shrimp, chicken claw, head chicken etc.

dog food recipes

Now there are numerous and easy to find dog food mass produced from the plant and served instantly. Instant food like this is actually a practical food for dogs presented to us, but in addition to its price, instant food such as this quality is not good for the growth of our beloved dog.
Here are some natural food menu that we can make reference to give to our pet dog.
Food recipes chicken meat, chicken claw, vegetables, and carbohydrates. The recommended composition, protein 70%, vegetables 10%, and 20% carbohydrates. This composition is a composition that has actually been the exact comparison of the use of vegetable and karbohodratnya. Protein composition remains the largest composition, because it actually is natural dog animal is an animal that almost 90% of the daily consumption of meat, bones and offal of animals. And in this food recipe menu, to the position of the protein or meat consumption should be in a raw state and has been washed with clean to avoid germs.
Food recipes beef, offal and some cartilage, vegetables and carbohydrates. Composition 70%, 15%, 15%. There is little difference between vegetable and carbohydrate composition in this menu, because the menu is actually suitable for dogs that have a lot more activity. Similar to the previous menu, meat, innards and cartilage that serves as a source of protein should be given in the form of crude that has been cleaned
Of the two methods mentioned above, the composition for the food menu as a source of protein remained granted in the number of dominant or with higher numbers. The goal is as follows:
Raw meat, cartilage and offal is a good protein intake. The food is presented in raw form so that our pet dogs are healthier for digestion, more natural growth of teeth and getting enough protein and calcium that is present in raw meat and bones and offal.
In the world of carnivorous animals, raw meat is a food daily. By eating raw meat, our pet dog will have an ideal body, not too fat and agile in performing daily activities.

Thus pet dog food recipes for us that we should give. The food menu is the author made above is an alternative that can be done in addition to providing instant food. And in giving the most important meal is to provide foods that have calcium or protein content and nutritional intake of the animal with a dominant amount, because protein is the biggest composition for all types of carnivorous animals.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Samoyed Dog Pole

Samoyed dog is native of the north pole, the dog is one of the most expensive dog in the world. The place of origin he often utilized as a carriage puller, as well as in the atmosphere of Christmas, you will recall dog sleigh puller santa Claus. Although the original Samoyed North Pole, but can be used as a pet in the tropics.
the highest price dog

Nomadik Samoyed tribe in the Northeast Asian region who first developed and named Samoyed. Tribal animal lover white dog treats like family members. Samoyed dog became compassionate.

In place of origin, this dog is usually used as a shepherd herds of deer, as well as sleigh puller. In the 19th century, Samoyed help transport on a scientific expedition in the Arctic and Antarctic. Most of them were taken to Europe and America. Samoyed bred veteran expedition. His descendants spread throughout the world,

Samoyed dog breeds including Medium. Samoyed still allied denagn Siberian Husky, both from Siberia. The north pole, Sammy, so another name Samoyed, have two types: America and Europe.

American type, characterized by the more pointed snout. While the European type bermoncong somewhat larger.
He has a strong character, endurance stubborn and tenacious in implementing the tasks. His figure is understated, soft and sweet-tempered, and friendly and easy to interact with humans. As the dog home, he was quite friendly, including denagn children. Suitable as a family dog. Understandably, Samoyed is not grim, tempered patient and friendly.

Feature Samoyed Dog

Molncongnya long, erect ears, nose and black eye periphery, in contrast with warrants hair white as cotton. Hair color super white became one of the attractions.
Samoyed beroto strong, posturbya balanced, harmonious with the form badanbibirnya legs thin, active and smart and obedient. No wonder when they jiga kind used in circus performances. Also known hundreds of styles ekspersi'senyum ". It is often dubbed as the "Samoyed smile".


In order to still look cute, must be treated with care. Use whitening shampoo every time a shower, bath not too frequent enough 2 weeks. Out of the shower, the hair should be completely dry. If it does not dry, the skin easy to get sick.

Compulsory hair combed and brushed at least two times a week, hair should bersih.malas caring, hair can clot and harden. Such hair must be clipped, once a week, should be wiped Samoyed hair once a week with a baby tissue. Tissues can also memmutihkan hair. While the nails cut short. Teeth and ears need regular maintenance.

Despite coming from the snowy, Samoyed also be maintained tropical region. No need to use air conditioning. Gradually, he was able to adapt to warmer temperatures. Samoyed from cold areas should not be directly maintained without air conditioning.

To survive in a hot area, Samoyed need a lot of drinking. Therefore drinking water should always be available. Because the hot air will quickly drain the water reserves in the body, when to water shortages or "heat shock", could be fatal. "It could succumb to heat stroke.

In hot areas, can still thick hair, give corn oil regularly, can also fish oil. The important thing contains omega 3 and 6. How to use, kalu liquid form, directly to the feed mix, the capsule should dicekokan, vitamin E is also good for the skin and hair.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How To Make A Happy Siberian Husky

Keep dogs need extra power. Dogs are known as highly active animals and do not like to just sit at home. Dog owners should wherever possible dog walks. One type of dog that loved to be maintained is the Siberian Husky. Siberian Husky is a breed of dog that is known to be very active and likes to move swiftly. Seeing the body stocky dog, is classified as a dog that can not be silent. Siberian Husky types are more common abroad. Indonesia, not many people who keep dogs take the kind of Siberian Husky. If you are the type of dog that has and is still confusion as to how to care for, so no need to be sad. Consider how easy it is to care for a dog breed Siberian Huskky follows.
how to care siberian husky
Siberian Husky

Active motion Approximately Two Hours a Day

Dog Siberian Husky is not the type of dog that just get tired when the invite to the streets a few minutes. The most appropriate care is the dog for a walk or even while you are jogging in the morning, take the dog Siberian Husky accompany your sport. Secured the dog would be very happy because it was released to run around and meet other dog breed. But remember, do not disconnect the rope chain collar dog Siberian Husky when you take a walk or run in order not to chase other animals or even people also jog around you. Set time of about two hours let your Siberian Husky dog ​​on the move. If your exercise time is only one hour, then the next hour the dog can do in the evening as when you want to do sports afternoon.

Food And Drink

Notice when you want to provide food for Siberian Husky dog. Give foods that are good for the dog's digestion. Siberian Husky type dog was not good to consume food chocolate, candy, foods containing salt. Siberian Husky type dog was also not good to consume beverages that contain caffeine, alcohol, even in the cold water or ice water. Better give the dog food that is appropriate for the type of Siberian Husky. If you want to give human food, do not give foods that have disrupted digestion. So also when they want to give to drink your Siberian Husky dog.

Vaccines, Bath, And Grooming

Keep Siberian Husky with the best. Suppose that the animal is part of your family. Because otherwise, you will be lazy to maintain it. Siberian Husky type dog needs to obtain the vaccine. Make sure when you buy a dog has been in a state of tervaksin. Is once enough vaccine? Certainly not. Siberian Husky should be vaccinated every year to avoid the disease. Siberian Husky also bathe regularly. Dogs are not afraid of the water animals. So you'll have no trouble in the bath. Siberian Husky would be very happy to deal with water. Do not forget also to be organized for grooming your Siberian Husky.

Need extra power for the type of Siberian Husky dog. But the fun has activities such as Maintaining Dog.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Dog That Resembles A Wolf

For those of you who have pets such as a dog, you definitely cherish your pet because dogs are faithful including animals and is a friend of the man.
But do you know the origin or ancestors Your Dog?
I'll let the following three types of dogs that had blood masi or call it still is a descendant of wolves

Siberian Husky

anjing mirip serigala
siberian husky

If you look at the figure of Siberian Husky, you will immediately remember the name wolf animals.

Siberian Husky is a dog that has a mixed blood of dogs and wolves, and according to DNA analysis by experts they justify it and found that the Siberian Husky is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.

Viewed in terms of its genetic closeness to the wolf can be seen from the Siberian Husky breed stature is indeed resemble their ancestors, such as some physical form that can be found when they are aligned with the wolf can be seen wolves and Husky has a considerable resemblance.

Besides custom Husky howling and barking too rarely encountered a common habit to call his flock to the wolves during the hunt. From properties owned dog is classified as very familiar to humans because the Eskimos many uses Husky to help them as towing carts.

Siberian Husky name itself refers to the term where this breed originated, which is derived from the nation Siberia. While the Husky term comes from the word "Eski" which comes from the term "Eskimo", So Siberian Husky can also be called a dog that is often used by Eskimos.

Alaskan Malamute

anjing mirip serigala
alaskan malamute
Alaskan Malamute breed also has blood or descendants of wolves. Alaskan Malamute form is also almost the same as the wolf and the Siberian Husky when viewed at a glance.

Alaskan Malamute dog arguably also classified races are quite popular in the family dog ​​Spitz. Spitz / Spitze is the German language and is usually used for the type of dog that is characterized by a thick long hair is usually white, erect ears and pointy toes and pointed snout. Tails are usually thick and circular upward. Alaskan Malamutes name is derived from the name of a mountain of ice that are in the plains of the Antarctic region.

Alaskan Malamute wolf thought to have come from the type of Antarctica, we do not know it's true or not but all the characteristics of a wolf attached to the Alaskan Malamute. Alaskan Malamute has stamina and speed like a wolf and is able to survive in cold temperate regions. Alaskan Malamute have adapted to the cold poles, they are able to attract snow sled that carries a heavy load on the surface and uneven ground.

Although the appearance like a wolf, a dog is a dog Alaskan Malamute tenderhearted, and he can also assist humans. Alaskan Malamute is very popular among the people and they can help or notify the owner of the danger signs in the dog. Nevertheless purebred dog is still difficult for dogs to socialize with other races.

German Shepherd

anjing mirip serigala
german shepherd
German Shepherd or the more we know called Herder. This dog was first used as a guard dog by the German army during the first world war. They use these dogs to keep troops and army building buildings such as barracks, post office and can also be as guards to prevent infiltration enemy will do.

Previous dog is also widely used by the penternak to keep livestock such as sheep, goats and cattle. In the agricultural sector, these dogs were assigned to accompany ordinary farmed and will bark to restore cattle out of the group or separated from the group.

In the present-day world is also used military dogs and trained to help trace crime. Of their sense of smell is very pungent able to track down hidden items they remain hidden even if it can trace the scars.

German shepherd is a breed of dog bred from ancestors the wolves even physical form and nature of almost all lowered. Properties faithful dog, bold, easy to adapt to the environment, and intelligent, so it is very easy to understand each lesson and exercise given.

This breed is suitable for use as guard dogs, military dogs and as an accompanist dogs for the blind. Nature who always wanted to maintain the conquered lands make this dog dominant and tends to attack foreigners. As a guard dog fixed, this dog has a sense of smell and hearing are sharp, even sharper than the other dogs.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Siberian Husky, The Beautiful Dog

the beauty of dog
Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky (Russian: Сибирский хаски, Sibirskiy Haski) is included in the medium-sized breeds and woolly. Purebred dog is not vicious, even too good and spoiled to humans. This race briefly looked like wolves, may also be expected to occur as a result of natural crosses.

This race is actually developed by the Chukchi people in the northeast Asian region as a dog pull cart to carry lighter loads. In 1909, the first time a number of these dogs were brought to Alaska to compete in the long distance throughout Alaska. And that's where endurance and speed dog run from Siberia is becoming known.

Siberian Husky has a pleasant nature. He is very affectionate and even tend spoiled. Gentle and friendly disposition may occur as a legacy of the past, since the Chukchi people maintain these dogs in a big reward. They are laying off these dogs in the family protection and encourage their children to play with him. Nowadays, very fascinating to observe how the Siberian Husky and the children belonged to each other. Siberians are very wary, likes fun and easy to adjust. The level of intelligence has been proven, but the soul every time challenging the independence of human ingenuity. Usually all-round ability makes him a matching companion for humans of all ages in a variety of preferences.

1. Siberian Husky howling rather than barking because often there is still a wolf blood in them.

2. Siberian Husky tends to voters in terms of food, easily bored at the food was always the same. so make it a habit to change the type of food.

3. Siberian Husky fur replace at least once a year. sometimes accompanied by the collapse of the fur is a bit much, but do not worry

4. Siberian Husky that entered Indonesia already experiencing climate adjustment, so it can survive with a tropical or subtropical climate

5. Siberian Husky are very pleased to run, because of the area of ​​origin of this dog is a dog runner and used to pull the sleigh.

6. Siberian Husky dog ​​sometimes ornery and not obedient when there is something interesting than 'calling you'.

7. Siberian Husky began to be known in my country widely Indonesia in early 2000.

8. Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute although at first glance similar, but different, the difference alaskan Malamute larger, more bushy fur and tail circular motif also marking his face a little bit different.