Sunday, May 10, 2015

What Is Negative Reinforcement Inwards Domestic Dog Training?

A user-friendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming – in addition to the iii alternatives you lot should know about.

friendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training?
Photo: Angyalosi Beata /Shutterstock

By Zazie Todd, PhD

If you lot are novel to domestic dog training, or desire to empathize some of the linguistic communication of domestic dog training, this article is for you. It covers the technical Definition of negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog training, examples of how it is used, what enquiry tells us nearly negative reinforcement, in addition to alternatives that you lot tin terminate exercise instead (along amongst some mutual mistakes people make, so you lot know how to acquire it right).

This article is purpose of a serial of guides that also covers positive reinforcement in addition to positive punishment inwards domestic dog training.

Let’s start amongst the technical definition.

What is negative reinforcement?

Negative reinforcement is i way to educate dogs (and other animals).

Negative reinforcement way taking something away that increases or maintains the frequency of a behaviour.

The ‘negative’ purpose refers to something beingness removed, in addition to ‘reinforcement’ way the behaviour went upwards inwards frequency. (If it instead occurred less often, it wouldn’t live on reinforcement).

So what form of affair tin terminate you lot have got away to brand a behaviour to a greater extent than probable to happen? Something that is unpleasant in addition to which the domestic dog does non like.

friendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training?

Examples of negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog training

One instance of negative reinforcement is when the dog’s bottom is pushed to strength the domestic dog into a sit, in addition to and so released i time the domestic dog is inwards a sit. Assuming the behaviour of sitting goes upwards inwards frequency, the behaviour was negatively reinforced yesteryear the removal of the pressure level on the dog’s nurture end.

Another instance of negative reinforcement involves applying an electronic domestic dog grooming neckband until the domestic dog does the behaviour you lot desire – let’s nation it’s ‘sit’ again. As before long every bit the domestic dog sits, the stupor is turned off. The affair that is removed is the unpleasant sensation from the stupor collar, in addition to the behaviour of ‘sit’ is to a greater extent than probable to come about in addition to thence has been reinforced. (Note that non all electronic collars allow for this type of training. Some models volition shock collars to live on banned or about a report of using stupor collars for recall training).

Another instance of negative reinforcement is sometimes used when working amongst a domestic dog that is afraid, e.g. of other dogs. When some other domestic dog is unopen by, the handler waits until the domestic dog offers a detail behaviour (such every bit looking at the handler) earlier allowing the domestic dog to displace away. Here, the behaviour of looking at the handler later on seeing some other domestic dog is beingness reinforced yesteryear taking away the scary province of affairs of beingness likewise unopen to some other dog.

I’m non suggesting these are adept ways to educate your dog. In fact we’ll acquire to some alternatives inwards a moment.

Research shows risks amongst negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog training

In monastic nation to exercise negative reinforcement, something aversive has to live on applied kickoff so that it tin terminate in addition to so live on removed contingent on the domestic dog doing the behaviour you lot are teaching.

Let’s nation you’re instruction sit. Typically what happens is that whatever behaviour the domestic dog was doing earlier the sit down – let’s say, standing – goes downwards inwards frequency in addition to is replaced yesteryear the sit. Technically speaking, inwards this scenario the behaviour of standing is positively punished (read to a greater extent than nearly positive punishment).

Unfortunately, applying an aversive – such every bit an electronic stupor or pressure level on the dog’s cervix or trunk – has risks for the dog’s welfare. Research shows that using aversive methods inwards domestic dog grooming is associated amongst an increased adventure of fearfulness in addition to aggression, in addition to may fifty-fifty live on less effective. It’s ameliorate to exercise reward-based methods (see to a greater extent than on why to a greater extent than people don’t exercise positive reinforcement to educate dogs).

Most of the enquiry on domestic dog grooming methods has focussed on comparison reward-based methods to aversive methods. For example, inwards a 2014 report of aggression inwards dogs, the exercise of positive penalty and/or negative reinforcement was associated amongst an increased adventure of aggression of 2.9 times for aggression towards describe of piece of occupation solid unit of measurement members, in addition to 2.2 times towards unfamiliar people exterior of the describe of piece of occupation solid (Casey et al 2014). In this study, barking, lunging, growling in addition to biting were all considered to live on aggression.

friendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training?
Photo: alexei_tm / Shutterstock

But in that location is i report that looked specifically at the exercise of negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming (Deldalle in addition to Gaunet, 2014).

This report compared dogs taking an advanced domestic dog grooming flat at 2 dissimilar schools: i that used positive reinforcement in addition to i that used negative reinforcement. The dogs had already completed a basic domestic dog grooming flat at the same school.

Negative reinforcement was used to learn loose leash walking yesteryear tugging on the leash piece the domestic dog was at a distance from the owner, in addition to stopping tugging when the domestic dog was unopen by. Sit was taught yesteryear both pulling the leash upwards in addition to pushing the dog’s bottom downwards in addition to entirely releasing when the domestic dog was inwards the sit down position. At the other school, positive reinforcement was used to vantage the domestic dog for doing the correct behaviour.

The results showed that dogs inwards the negative reinforcement group:

  • Rarely looked at their owners when walking on leash, compared to those taught amongst positive reinforcement. This is unfortunate because trainers desire the dog’s attention
  • Showed to a greater extent than oral cavity licks in addition to yawns when practicing the ‘sit’ command, in addition to were to a greater extent than probable to have got a depression trunk posture, all signs of stress

The report concludes that grooming dogs amongst positive reinforcement is ameliorate for the human-canine human relationship than using negative reinforcement.

As mentioned above, negative reinforcement is sometimes used when the domestic dog is afraid of something. Unfortunately inwards this instance negative reinforcement involves keeping the domestic dog inwards a province of affairs where they are afraid until they have got done the required behaviour. There is a adventure of sensitization (making the domestic dog to a greater extent than afraid) or flooding which tin terminate motion learned helplessness (in everyday linguistic communication nosotros mightiness depict this every bit beingness “shut down”).

Besides which, it violates the regulation that the kickoff priority amongst a scared domestic dog is to assist them experience safe. There is no demand to pose your domestic dog inwards a province of affairs where they experience fearfulness inwards monastic nation to educate them.

While nosotros notwithstanding demand to a greater extent than enquiry on domestic dog grooming methods, it is ameliorate non to adventure negative effects if nosotros don’t demand to. Many professional person organizations recommend the exercise of reward-based methods (see: seven reasons to exercise reward-based domestic dog grooming methods).

So what are the alternatives to negative reinforcement? There is to a greater extent than than i alternative to negative reinforcement, depending on the situation.

The best alternative to negative reinforcement for obedience behaviours

As you lot tin terminate gauge from the previous section, i of the alternatives to using negative reinforcement is to educate amongst positive reinforcement instead. This is a corking alternative for instruction obedience behaviours similar sit, prevarication down, in addition to loose leash walking.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mutual fault is to exercise something the trainer thinks volition live on reinforcing but which the domestic dog doesn’t peculiarly aid about, similar praise. That’s why I advise to anyone novel to domestic dog grooming to exercise nutrient to educate their dogs (for to a greater extent than information, read the ultimate domestic dog grooming tip).

friendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training?
Photo: Nina Buday / Shutterstock

When instruction loose leash walking amongst positive reinforcement, you lot may also detect it helpful to exercise a no-pull harness. This is a harness amongst a clip on the front end designed to forbid pulling (note that some harnesses have got a clip on the dorsum in addition to are designed to facilitate pulling instead – don’t accidentally acquire the incorrect kind!). A no-pull harness is non harmful in addition to does non compromise dogs’ welfare (Grainger et al 2016). (Some dogs amongst trunk treatment issues may demand a gradual introduction to having the harness pose on in addition to lots of yummy treats to assist them larn to similar it).

Alternatives to negative reinforcement when the domestic dog is afraid

But what nearly when we’re non instruction basic obedience? You may yell back i of the examples to a higher house relates to using negative reinforcement when the domestic dog is afraid, in addition to the aversive stimulus is the affair the domestic dog is scared of.

If the domestic dog is afraid, in addition to so you lot have got 2 corking options: positive reinforcement to learn a dissimilar behaviour (which domestic dog trainers telephone telephone DRI, or differential reinforcement of an incompatible behaviour); or counter-conditioning amongst or without desensitization.

Let’s stick amongst the instance of a domestic dog that is afraid of other dogs. In the negative reinforcement case, the domestic dog was beingness asked to await at the handler earlier beingness allowed to displace away from the other dog.

If nosotros exercise positive reinforcement instead, nosotros would non acquire unopen plenty to the other domestic dog for our domestic dog to live on scared; instead, nosotros would remain at a prophylactic distance (from the dog’s perspective, fifty-fifty if that’s an inconveniently long way away). We could notwithstanding exercise the behaviour of looking at the handler; every fourth dimension the domestic dog sees some other dog, you lot encourage him to await at you lot in addition to reinforce amongst some adept food.

Over time, the cue could live on seeing the other domestic dog so that whatever fourth dimension your domestic dog sees some other dog, he volition await to you lot for his slice of food. If, every unmarried fourth dimension he sees some other dog, you lot enquire him to await at you lot in addition to and so reinforce that behaviour, what volition come about over fourth dimension is that your domestic dog volition laid about to larn that seeing some other domestic dog is a adept thing, in addition to this is genuinely a classical conditioning side effect.

So straightaway let’s await at the counter-conditioning option. Counter-conditioning is a type of classical conditioning. You would non acquire unopen plenty to the other domestic dog for your domestic dog to live on scared, but would deliberately remain at a prophylactic distance where your domestic dog is happy in addition to comfortable. Every fourth dimension some other domestic dog is inwards sight, you lot would give your domestic dog yummy food. He doesn’t have got to exercise anything inwards monastic nation to acquire the food, simply realize that the other domestic dog is there. What you lot are trying to exercise is alter the association, so that your domestic dog learns other dogs are a adept affair because they predict yummy food.

friendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training?
Photo: PH888 / Shutterstock

Even though i of these is operant conditioning (positive reinforcement) in addition to the other is classical conditioning (in this case, counter-conditioning) in that location are some similarities.

In both cases you’re hoping eventually to alter the dog’s feelings nearly something scary, it's simply that i method focuses on this aim piece amongst the other method it's a side-effect.

In both cases it is of import to move along your domestic dog at a prophylactic distance where they don’t experience scared, otherwise you lot adventure undermining your grooming (and perchance accidentally using negative reinforcement).

And inwards both cases, your domestic dog volition acquire nutrient (or some other corking vantage such every bit a quick game of tug). It’s simply that inwards the positive reinforcement alternative they volition have got to exercise something to earn the food, in addition to inwards counter-conditioning they don't have got to exercise anything; the nutrient happens because some other domestic dog appeared.

For to a greater extent than tips on fearful dogs, come across eight tips to assist fearful dogs experience safe.

Some Common Mistakes

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mutual fault is to force things likewise fast in addition to to accidentally acquire ‘over threshold’ – inwards other words, pose the domestic dog inwards a province of affairs where they are inwards fact scared. If this happens, displace speedily dorsum to a prophylactic distance, in addition to resolve non to allow it come about again.

You may also demand to brush upwards on your skills at reading canine trunk language, which is zippo to live on ashamed of every bit it takes fourth dimension in addition to experience. We all move along on learning from the dogs nosotros pass fourth dimension with. For to a greater extent than on the signs of fear, anxiety in addition to stress, come across how tin terminate I tell if my domestic dog is afraid? You mightiness also similar the website role of experience inwards recognizing fearfulness inwards dogs.

Another mutual fault amongst the DRI alternative is to acquire far likewise hard. You genuinely demand to acquire far genuinely slow for your domestic dog because you lot desire them to earn the process every fourth dimension so every bit to start getting a classical conditioning side effect. The behaviour doesn’t have got to live on 'watch me', it could live on 'leave it' or 'sit' or a nose-touch or something else instead. Just brand certain to move along it squeamish in addition to slow (which may include practicing at domicile first).

Another mutual fault is non beingness create to give the nutrient fast enough. If you’re using the DRI option, you lot should feed every bit before long every bit the domestic dog has done the behaviour requested. If you’re doing classical conditioning, you lot should feed every bit before long every bit your domestic dog sees the other dog. Either way, you lot demand to have got your treats ready, hidden on your mortal (in a pocket or bait bag), in addition to live on paying attention, so you lot acquire your timing right.

Whichever approach you lot are using, exercise nutrient rewards that your domestic dog genuinely likes, in addition to don’t live on stingy, because that would live on some other mistake.

friendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training?
Photo: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock

Which is the best approach, DRI or classical conditioning?

Which of these 2 techniques plant best? We don’t know. Both approaches work!  I don’t know of whatever enquiry which investigated which is the best alternative inwards a real-life domestic dog grooming situation.

With both techniques, it is of import to acquire at the dog’s pace, so the speed of learning is the i that the domestic dog is comfortable with.

With the DRI option, the domestic dog learns a novel behaviour in addition to gets a classical conditioning side effect. With the classical conditioning option, ofttimes you lot volition detect that the domestic dog learns a novel behaviour likewise (called a superstitious behaviour), such every bit looking at your bait pocketbook later on seeing the other dog, because they have got learned that seeing the other domestic dog predicts nutrient in addition to that’s where the nutrient volition come upwards from. One argue you lot mightiness guide desensitization in addition to counter-conditioning over a DRI is when you lot don't have got command over the scary thing, whatever it is. In our example, if other dogs are popping upwards all over the house (which is a mutual problem), you lot mightiness detect your DRI keeps beingness likewise hard, which way your domestic dog is non able to earn the treats inwards the presence of all the other dogs, undermining your classical conditioning side-effect. In this case, you lot could detect somewhere else to educate where things are a lot to a greater extent than predictable, or simply determine to start amongst counter-conditioning instead.

Another argue you lot mightiness guide desensitization in addition to counter-conditioning is if your domestic dog is genuinely real afraid, rather than a mild fear. In this case, it's in all probability ameliorate to concentrate your efforts on gradually developing a positive conditioned emotional answer (counter-conditioning).

If your domestic dog is fearful in addition to you lot are concerned, come across your veterinary inwards instance medication and/or referral to a veterinary behaviourist is advised.

I detect that some people seem to have got a natural preference for either operant or classical conditioning, so if this applies to you lot in addition to both approaches seem suitable, in addition to so you lot tin terminate allow your ain preference guide you lot to the approach you lot prefer.

If you lot demand ideas for treats to exercise inwards training, come across the best domestic dog grooming treats.

Working amongst a reactive domestic dog tin terminate live on tricky. If you lot demand some help, depository fiscal establishment gibe out the spider web page CARE for reactive dogs, which clearly explains how to exercise desensitization, counter-conditioning in addition to positive reinforcement when working amongst a reactive dog. If you lot have got a fearful dog, you lot mightiness similar the website The associated Facebook grouping is a friendly house to enquire questions nearly helping your dog.

And if you lot demand help, find a adept domestic dog trainer to move amongst you lot in addition to your dog. And await out for for some to a greater extent than relevant posts coming hither soon.

You mightiness also like: Can domestic dog grooming books live on trusted? and dominance grooming deprives dogs of positive experiences. And if you lot desire to delve into the scientific enquiry on domestic dog grooming methods, depository fiscal establishment gibe out my dog grooming enquiry resources page.

What is your favourite domestic dog grooming technique?

Further Reading

The next books are useful guides to domestic dog grooming in addition to agreement your dog: (affiliate links)

It's Me or the Dog: How to Have the Perfect Petfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? yesteryear Victoria Stilwell.
The Power of Positive Dog Trainingfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? yesteryear Pat Miller.
Culture Clashfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? in addition to Train Your Dog Like a Profriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? yesteryear Jean Donaldson.
The Cautious Canine-How to Help Dogs Conquer Their Fearsfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? yesteryear Patricia McConnell.
Don't Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching in addition to Trainingfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? yesteryear Karen Pryor.
Canine Behavior: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Photo Illustrated Handbookfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? yesteryear Barbara Handelman.
From Fearful to Fear Free: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Positive Program to Free Your Dog from Anxiety, Fears, in addition to Phobiasfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training? yesteryear Marty Becker, Lisa Radosta, Mikkel Becker in addition to Wailani Sung, edited yesteryear Kim Campbell Thornton.

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Zazie Todd, PhD, is the writer of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happyfriendly guide to agreement negative reinforcement inwards domestic dog grooming  What is Negative Reinforcement inwards Dog Training?. She is the founder of the pop weblog , where she writes nearly everything from grooming methods to the human-canine relationship. She also writes a column for Psychology Today in addition to has received the prestigious Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Article inwards 2017. Todd lives inwards Maple Ridge, BC, amongst her husband, i dog, in addition to 2 cats.

Useful links:


Casey, R. A., Loftus, B., Bolster, C., Richards, G. J., & Blackwell, E. J. (2014). Human directed aggression inwards domestic dogs (Canis familiaris): Occurrence inwards dissimilar contexts in addition to adventure factors. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 152, 52-63.
Deldalle, S., & Gaunet, F. (2014). Effects of 2 grooming methods on stress-related behaviors of the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) in addition to on the dog–owner relationship. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications in addition to Research, 9(2), 58-65.
Grainger, J., Wills, A., & Montrose, V. (2016). The behavioral effects of walking on a neckband in addition to harness inwards domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications in addition to Research, 14, 60-64 DOI: 10.1016/j.jveb.2016.06.002

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