Monday, May 25, 2015

10 Basic Care Pet Dog

Having a puppy dog ​​is very fun but there is a lot of responsibility that we should do as the owner. I will give you tips on what to do in the maintenance of puppies were contained in 10 points.

Rule # 1: Start training your dog puppies on the first day he arrives in your home.

Dogs are not born in a state already trained. He will see you as a coach. What he should do and what not to do should you teach from that day. Combine this exercise with the game so he does not get bored and established a good friendship with him. Through this exercise, puppies will know what is expected by the employer.

Rule # 2: Puppies dogs need a balanced nutrition and vitamins.

Foods with a complete and balanced nutrition is mandatory for him to perfect growth. Puppies need protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals in the right amount. Puppies should be given food in the form of concentrates that she can receive all the necessary nutrients without overloading the digestive system. Always provide clean drinking water.

Rule # 3: Make a habit of puppies digrooming.

Menggrooming Start your puppy from an early age that it is familiar with this case. Dogs are familiar and quiet when digrooming will facilitate your work.

Rule # 4: Puppies dogs need dental care.

In fact, untreated tooth can cause a variety of diseases in the future. Get used to clean your dog's teeth puppies from scratch. Plaque and tartar will be found on dogs older than 2 years who does not run dental care. The buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth damage tooth enamel and gums causing health problems.

Rule # 5: Give the dog sport in puppies.

Part of the normal activities of puppies is regular exercise. This sport needs the dog will not only depend on the size of the dog's body, but also of the type of breed. Do not give too strenuous exercise for puppies because their bones have not grown to perfection. Combine the game with the sport.

Rule # 6: Health check at the vet regularly.

Ideally, you already have the candidate vet to be subscribed you before you have a puppy dog. Once the puppies you arrive home, take him to the vet the next day to check the overall health. Ask the veterinarian to make a vaccine schedule for him. Create a pleasant atmosphere when you invite your puppies to the vet so that he is not afraid to meet veterinarian.

Rule # 7: Do a health check at home.

Schedule regular health checks at home. Check the weight, skin and fur, eyes and ears, gums and teeth, and skin irregularities section. If you find anything suspicious should contact your veterinarian. Articles about home health check will follow).

Rule # 8: Introducing puppies on other dogs.

If your home already has another dog should do introductions between them. Dogs who have a longer stay would feel he is the ruler of the house. While the puppies will usually underestimate this so as to cause him any harm. You should conduct surveillance for several days so that the process of assimilation is running smoothly. Once the puppies already know, he would not behave arbitrarily in front of senior dogs.

Rule # 9: Give praise for the good things he did.

Make puppies this dog as a member of your family. If he is doing things right and pleases you, give him praise. If he makes a mistake, immediately give a warning at that time so that he can distinguish which can make you happy and which ones can make you angry. Basically the dog wants to do things that are fun for the employer.

Rule 10: Be patient and enjoy.

Raising puppies need high patience. Find out various tips or articles on this subject, if necessary, you can consult with your veterinarian. Sometimes, puppies do something that makes us upset but there are times when certain sense of satisfaction and emotion to see it grow well and cheerful.

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