Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Posts Of The Twelvemonth 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward 2018.

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018
Photo: Szofia Zsemberi /

By Zazie Todd, PhD

It’s been precisely about other busy twelvemonth hither at . Highlights including existence featured inward the Washington Post ('Your Canis familiaris in addition to truthful cat want they could say yous this'), existence interviewed past times Radio New Zealand, in addition to speaking at the BC SPCA’s Animal Behaviour Science Symposium (where it was lovely to run into precisely about readers of this blog).

I had the pleasance of interviewing precisely about amazing people:

The Train for Rewards weblog party was precisely about other success amongst fabulous posts from trainers wanting to encourage people to role reward-based grooming methods. Thank yous to everyone who took part.

And don't forget to cheque out the swell books nosotros read at the Book Club. If yous desire to bring together (next mass inward Feb 2019), we'll last accepting novel members inward Jan in addition to details are on that page. As well, everyone is welcome to bring together the Animal Books Facebook group for full general chit-chat near our favourite creature books.

At the same time, this twelvemonth had precisely about challenges, non to the lowest degree of which was finding fourth dimension to blog. I’ve had fewer posts this twelvemonth precisely because I’ve been in addition to thence busy working on my book. I turned the manuscript inward to my publisher inward Apr in addition to am precisely at in 1 trial finalizing edits. Look out for to a greater extent than intelligence inward due course.

Another challenge is precisely that blogging is harder move these days. Facebook shows posts to fewer in addition to fewer people, seo gets harder, in addition to at that spot are technical issues too…

I’m lucky that all the same has a large in addition to growing readership, in addition to I am in addition to thence grateful to all of yous for your support, likes, shares, comments, in addition to the coffees on Ko-fi.

I want yous in addition to yours a happy, salubrious in addition to peaceful 2019!

These are the posts yous liked the best inward 2018.

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

The posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018

At my Psychology Today weblog Fellow Creatures, the transcend postal service of the twelvemonth was well-behaved dogs may have got happier owners.

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Zazie Todd, PhD, is the writer of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog HappyThe posts near dogs in addition to cats yous liked best inward  The Posts of the Year 2018. She is the founder of the pop weblog , where she writes near everything from grooming methods to the human-canine relationship. She also writes a column for Psychology Today in addition to has received the prestigious Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Article inward 2017. Todd lives inward Maple Ridge, BC, amongst her husband, 1 dog, in addition to ii cats.

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All photos: except no. 9, Bad Monkey Photography.

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