Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tidings April 2019

Cats that fetch, equine therapy, too the joy of dogs... the latest news.

 the latest  tidings  News Apr 2019

By Zazie Todd, PhD 

Some of my favourites this month

“A tongue-in-cheek headline comparison the fetching abilities of cats too dogs revealed a truth known past times countless truthful cat owners: Some cats produce fetch.” Animal Book Club is reading What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, too the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World the latest  tidings  News Apr 2019 past times Cat Warren.

 the latest  tidings  News Apr 2019

"A firsthand exploration of the fascinating globe of “working dogs”—who attempt out missing persons, sniff for explosives inwards state of war zones, too locate long-dead remains..."

It’s fascinating. Are yous reading it too? You tin give the sack observe a listing of all the books too buy via my Amazon store: (I earn a small-scale fee, at no toll to you, from qualifying purchases). 

If you’re to a greater extent than into full general chit-chat without the commitment to reading a majority most months, yous tin give the sack ever consider the Animal Books Facebook group.

Upcoming Webinar

I’m delighted to state that I volition live on presenting a webinar entitled Debunk, back upwardly science, or tell a story? How to communicate close Canis familiaris preparation too creature welfare for the Pet Professional Guild. If yous liked my recent post on reasons to live on positive, yous volition relish this webinar.

The webinar volition live on on Tuesday, 16th July at 11am Pacific/2pm Easter/7pm British Summer Time.

Anyone who signs upwardly inwards advance volition automatically have a recording later on the event. The webinar is opened upwardly to Earth equally good equally to Pet Professional Guild members.


is opened upwardly to everyone too supported past times creature lovers similar you.

If yous honey , yous tin give the sack support me on Ko-fi. Ko-fi does non accuse fees, too yous tin give the sack build either a one-time or monthly donation.  

This month, I’d similar to state a exceptional give cheers yous to Jill Bradshaw, Lorena Patti, too Rose B. Your back upwardly way the world.

Here at

has a build novel look! You should observe it easier to read too faster to download. Let me know what yous cry upwardly of the novel design. If yous immature lady the sidebar, click the  hamburger icon inwards the move past times left to come across it.

Recently I was honoured to live on included inwards LadyBossBlogger’s listing of 240 badass woman somebody bloggers of 2019

This calendar month I was quoted inwards an article close the responsible pet owner’s checklist for taking tending of a pet, and  a review of the best Canis familiaris toys of 2019.  

This calendar month also sees the launch of the novel magazine, Happy Paws, from Fear Free, too I’m thrilled to live on quoted inwards an article inwards the starting fourth dimension number close agreement the canine mind.

 the latest  tidings  News Apr 2019
My truthful cat Melina checking out the novel Happy Paws magazine.

Over at my Psychology Today weblog Fellow Creatures, I wrote close how to observe a missing cat (including some tips to assist forbid them going missing inwards the starting fourth dimension place). If you're ever inwards the unfortunate seat of having a lost cat, I promise these tips assist (the most of import affair is to hold off rattling carefully rattling approximately home). I also wrote close how a viral video affected the perception of lemurs
One of my favourite posts of the concluding calendar month is animal lovers on the books that changed their lives. I institute it inspiring to acquire close the books that convey made a deviation to people, too many people convey told me they experience the same. So I volition live on putting together some other version of this post. If yous would similar to contribute, electronic mail me on companimalpsych at gmail point com too tell me which creature majority changed your life, too why. Include your website if yous would similar a link back. I hold off forwards to hearing close the books that are of import to you!

 the latest  tidings  News Apr 2019

This calendar month I also looked at which Canis familiaris breeds are the best option to the French Bulldog for people who are concerned close the welfare of this breed. Thank yous to everyone who shared their suggestions amongst me.

I wrote close some query that shows smaller dogs alive longer than bigger dogs – too simply how much by, depending on breed. As well, I covered an of import novel review newspaper that investigates how nosotros tin give the sack build vet visits less stressful for dogs; the article contains lots of tips too a temporary link to download the newspaper for free.

Reasons to live on positive close beingness positive inwards Canis familiaris training looked at the lessons nosotros tin give the sack describe from query inwards psychology too communication. If you’ve ever wondered close the best ways to debunk an idea, or if yous should focus on other messages instead, this article is for yous (as is my upcoming webinar at the Pet Professional Guild).

At the terminate of concluding month, turned 7 years old. It’s difficult to believe I’ve been blogging this long too written then many words close scientific discipline too our pets. As I said inwards that post, I'm rattling grateful to all of yous for your back upwardly too encouragement.  

Pets inwards Art

This month’s pets inwards fine art shows an sometime adult woman amongst a truthful cat past times German linguistic communication creative somebody Max Liebermann, from the Getty collection (open access).

 the latest  tidings  News Apr 2019

I honey the way the adult woman too truthful cat are looking at each other. As well, I convey to admire her skirt too apron.

Here are the catalogue details:
Max Liebermann (German, 1847 - 1935). An Old Woman amongst Cat, 1878, Oil on canvas.
 96.5 × 74.9 cm (38 × 29 1/2 in.), 87.PA.6. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.

Zazie Todd, PhD, is the writer of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy the latest  tidings  News Apr 2019. She is the founder of the pop weblog , where she writes close everything from preparation methods to the human-canine relationship. She also writes a column for Psychology Today too has received the prestigious Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Article inwards 2017. Todd lives inwards Maple Ridge, BC, amongst her husband, 1 dog, too ii cats.

Useful links:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As an Etsy affiliate, I earn from qualifying Etsy purchases.

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